Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Home Again Home Again

It's odd, preparing to sleep in a bed I haven't slept in for a month.. or two. It's odd. It really is. Staying at mom's, because Monica and I's house is spooky (zzz) when it's just one person there.

Things are good; I'm going to start working for Bruce's brother on Friday. Pay's bad, but it's in cash, and fun and delicious. New skills, all that shit. This will come well, especially after I just paid my student loan bill, the last one for a bit before my deferment starts.

Still feel a little weirded out about working for this little money at this time in my life. I need to save up as much as I can get. Sure as hell I wasn't weirded out about getting work. Perhaps that's why I've been... not avoiding this phone call to this company in the city, but just not super eager to get contacted with them. I have dreams and shit that I wish I could accomplish. I have dreams that I don't have to do admin shit for the rest of my life. But... tomorrow I'm going to call, and set up an interview, and see what's going on.

Aaaand, working with Kele tomorrow on music! I don't know how we're going to start, but I printed out somet stuff that I'm thinking of using for auditions. She's the teacher though, so starting at the beginning always works well.

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