Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Notes and an Observation

Just saw a pretty okay play this evening. At Marin Theatre Company. That seems the thing for this theatre company, mostly okay plays, sometimes really good ones, but mostly okay, and hell, they seem to be doing great by that; a sparkly theatre, plenty of sponsors, and lots of booze for the people who don't have the orgasmic feeling after seeing their shows. Ya see, that way, we can get drunk, and still like it? get it? It's not a perfect image, I'd imagine.

Anyway, just jotting down some stray ideas here so that the full thing is a little better when I plunk it out tomorrow. Funny, but unbelievable. Both main characters had no chemistry (which was the point, but it got a little tiresome). Third character broke the action too much, probably because there was really nothing going on with the first two. Brechtian in a good way at times, bad way in that it drug out the storyline a bit too much, and adding a subplot then tacking on an ending (who starts their own museum, anyway) was a little eh. The writing was good, the direction was a little off (no chemistry, weird blocking where every huge monologue was given center stage), and oops, the writing wasn't that great; up until the very end, the two main characters hated each other... there was no progression, it was even made more abundant with counting the times a certain character tried to hmph the hmph.

Good though. Just not well executed. Typical problem with MTC.

You know what I also just realized? Since installing windows 7 on my netbook, I deleted a bunch of writing I did on here when I was doing LEAD. Oh well. Obviously if I didn't care to back it up, I really didn't have much invested in it, but it's still a little disheartening; one should always keep every bit of writing. Anything helps, even if it's the writing that will never see the light of day.

Time to stew the play over over a good night's sitting awake for 3 hours and then getting spotty sleep throughout the rest of the night.

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