Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I'm back I'm back! And things are falling into (somewhat) place with the car situation and rehearsals and other things. Except now that I think of that, I should email the Academy of Art people and see if we can get some hot rehearsal action going on in here. Mmm yeah. And the magic of a period and two spaces continues! Done.

The trip was mega fun. I don't think I've ever had as much fun going to St. Louis as I did with Monica. It's probably because she's never been to any of the flyover states, and thought St. Louis was a podunk town. Maybe not SUPER podunk, but more of a town and less of a sprawling city that it is. And man, it certainly is a lot bigger than I remember it; there has been so much construction even in the few months since I've been there. Except on the highway, really, that's still a stupid clusterfuck. Let me explain, they closed part of one of the main highways to expand it or retrofit it or something, and EVERYONE hates this idea. Pretty much everyone there thinks it's stupid and the money for the long process (2 years) would be better used for public transportation, and supporting actual things that will help in the long run, rather than more support for oil (been on a real That Grinds My Gears kick on that lately) which will hopefully all be gone soon so we have to focus on other things.

Anywho, fun trip. I ate A LOT and now have to try and get back into my rhythm of walking and staying fit, perhaps bringing back the short lived abdominial workouts that I did about a month ago and promptly forgot.

Lets see, the wedding, as before, was cold but beautiful, and the reception was fun and full of video games. It was great to see my old friends, I really miss those folks a lot more than I think I ever know. Eric, Nick's brother, made a superbly awesome best man toast at the dinner. Brian and I even started talking like we hadn't missed a day in gaming; I was even invited to a Star Wars d20 game, but had to refuse to go to Hannibal (better idea, that was A-MAZING). Next time, however, I'm totally gonna do it. That's one really good thing about St. Louis, I think there's a bigger consentration of gamers, at least tabletop ones, who like to still spend 4 hours at a time playing these games. I need to find another group like that around here, but it just doesn't beat the old fun times I've had back in the day. That was a big part of my life that just isn't there anymore.

I was able to see both Grandmas, and was also able, on the last day, to go to the City Museum, and play on the towers, in the caves, in the circus, and relive my old memories of volunteering there so long ago. I also played on MonstroCity, their SO MUCH BIGGER than I remember play structure outside. It's for all ages too, not just little folk; I in fact ran a bunch of them down getting to the ball pit. It was a dark day for their families. But a light hearted one for me and my own! There were 2 planes you could climb on. Also, a part of a church, I think. Also, it made me happy and I want to go back there right now. Also, there was a fire where you could toast marshmallows. It felt like I was in a live Psychonauts.

I wish it was longer. I didn't think I would ever say that about a trip to St. Louis. But I just did. And there you have it.

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